
DDos and harmful data attacks have been the most common outside driven cyber threats during the past decade. Our algorithm produces real time information locally and to third party management systems. Malicious data attacks can be revealed from healthy data flows or alternatively entirely suspended.

The solution to securing your network

Troubleshooting and
Auditing Malicious Data

Network troubleshooting and auditing is a key area of our business. We have immense knowledge on all network and also application related problems, and we are sure that we can help you.

Network Topology Design

Let us design and protect your network with zero change to your current network topology or management. Be it at home or your place of business, we promise to house you with a stable, reliable and actively protecting network design, which you can always trust.

Network Active Response Protection

With the newest patented, defending and protecting technology we can terminate malicious data traffic in just seconds. We also provide a real time view of malicious data flows in our GameGui®


The software which we develop for network monitoring, analysis and protection.
Click the box to have more information.

DDefender ®

Response software independent from hardware


Latency control software, hardware independent

DMonitor ®

Traffic monitoring, detection and reporting

Cyber attack’s health check

Traffic monitoring and reporting as a service


  • 2013

    Research, Development and Patenting

    Research and development of DDefender ® system started in Airo Networks Oy prior to the founding of the company. First patents for technology are granted in 2014-2015.

  • 2016

    Founding the Company

    BouncePoint Oy is founded in 2016 after fruitful and successful trials of prelimenary DDos techonology and begins further developing malicious traffic monitoring and active response systems.

  • 2017

    First Seed Investment

    A seed investment is issued by Tekes (Business Finland) in 2016-2017, and the first live installation is in 2017. The technology in DDefender ® is now patented with multiple patents.

  • 2019

    Where We Were

    BouncePoint Oy provides network protection systems for all organizations and businesses. The company's clients are normally large to mid-sized companies. Commonly, these companies make business in sectors which demand and require the most secure networks, such as the industry, energy production, financing, military and public services. DDefender ® monitors, analyses, actively responses and protects companies’ networks against all types of malicious data traffic.

  • 2023

    Where We Are Today

    We keep things simple and fast, show the user facts and utilize the best practices. Just a quick look and you know exactly what is happening in your network. We developed GameGui®, which shows in real time, who the troublemakers are in your network. Our software architecture is user and data secured and can give real time information to upper layer management systems. Meanwhile, the DDefender ® product is now protected with multiple further patents.

The People

We want to secure your network with the newest patented response Tools technology and Graphical User Interfaces.

Jarmo Rouvinen



Over 30 years of experience in network analytics and the security business

Teppo Kettula


Business Development

Client relations and administration

Juha Okkonen



Sami Nikulainen

Chief Network Architect
Network Topology

Raimo Karhula

Senior Adviser

Vili Hanikka

Technology Engineer


Operational animation


DDefender attack detection in finnish


DDefender attack detection in english



We collaborate with the best to ensure you the best possible service.

Contact Us

We are always happy to help.